Where Is the Diversity in Publishing? The 2019 Diversity Baseline Survey Results

Lee & Low Books released the first Diversity Baseline Survey (DBS 1.0) in 2015. Before the DBS, people suspected publishing had a diversity problem, but without hard numbers, the extent of that problem was anyone’s guess. Our goal was to survey publishing houses and review journals regarding the racial, gender, sexual orientation, and ability makeup of their employees; establish concrete statistics about the diversity of the publishing workforce; and then build on this information by reissuing the survey every four years.

Diversity in Publishing: A Closer Look at LEE & LOW’s Staff

In our earlier blog post, Diversity in Publishing: How Diverse is LEE & LOW’s Authors, Illustrators, and Staff, we shared a mini breakdown of our authors and illustrators as well as our staff. After receiving a few more questions, we decided to take a closer look at the breakdown of our staff by department.

Required Reading: Top Ten Responses to the Diversity Baseline Survey

It’s been just over a month since the results of our Diversity Baseline Survey came out. In this post we share ten of our favorite responses that offer thoughtful commentary and ideas on how to look at the problem of diversity in publishing from a new angle.

Interview: Glenda Armand on Shakespeare, Diversity, and Following Your Dreams

We interview author Glenda Armand on why she chose to write a book on Ira Aldridge and how far we’ve come when it comes to diversity in the arts.

The Diversity Baseline Survey: What Happens Next?

Since its release, the Diversity Baseline Survey (DBS) has become the most visited blog post we have ever produced. The DBS has been widely read and written about, and has opened up a renewed interest in how to improve staff diversity. In this follow-up post we ask participating publishers to share their plans for addressing this problem.

Behind the Scenes of Publishing’s First Diversity Baseline Survey

Next week we will release the results of the first Diversity Baseline Survey, which looks at diversity among publishing employees. Here we share a behind-the-scenes look at how the survey was created and how we got the industry to join in.