The Problem with Ethnic Heritage Months

While we can generate a recommended reading list just as well as the next publisher, the problem we find with Native American Heritage Month is that it puts Native American books—and people—in a box. The observance month can easily lead to the bad habit of featuring these books and culture for one month out of the entire year.

Lee & Low Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month!

National Hispanic Heritage month occurs each year, from September 15 to October 15. It is a time to celebrate the history and culture of Hispanics and Latinos in the United States along with the contributions they have made to American society. This specific time of the year was chosen because the U.S government wanted to … Continue reading Lee & Low Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month!

The Heritage Month Dilemma

First, celebrations are in order for both Soichiro Honda and Isamu Noguchi, who share a November 17th birthday. It’s a nice little coincidence that two very different creative minds from Japan should share the same birthday. A peek at the calendar reveals all sorts of other special days and notable celebrations this month: It’s National … Continue reading The Heritage Month Dilemma

Classroom Library Assessment: How Culturally Responsive is Your Library?

Teachers, let’s talk about a popular topic across education blogs and Pinterest: the classroom library. A quick search on the Internet results in numerous tips, tricks, and ideas for different ways to configure and organize your classroom library. It’s an intensive and thoughtful process that involves thinking about genre, reading levels, interest levels, grade-level content, categories, … Continue reading Classroom Library Assessment: How Culturally Responsive is Your Library?