Tag Archives: holiday

America’s Largest Diverse Book Publisher Shares the Reads You Need

This gift guide with Senior Literacy Manager Katie Potter and journalist Maya Pottiger originally appeared on Word in Black.

Only 31% of picture books have featured Black characters in the last 20 years, but Lee & Low Books has multicultural recommendations for all ages are out there.

When it comes to selecting books for yourself or others, it can be hard to choose—let alone to know where to start, especially if you’re looking for a read with diverse characters and storylines.

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Plan Your Month Roundup: December Books and Resources

Now that your stomach is filled with turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce, it’s time to get ready for the December holidays! Here are some book recommendations and resources for the December holiday season.

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Teaching Cinderella Stories from Around the World

CINDERELLA world hands smallerWith the welcoming of ghoulish decoration displays and the buzz of Halloween costume ideas, the streets will soon be filled with candy-hungry witches, superheroes, and beloved fairy tale characters. Of all the many treasured fairy tale characters that come and go in popularity, none seems to be more resilient than Cinderella. But this Halloween, Cinderella doesn’t have to just mean the classic blue ballroom gown and glass slippers…

Whether you are planning your Cinderella unit this time of year or are brainstorming with young readers on Halloween costume ideas, Lee & Low Books is proud to present the Cinderella Around the World series. This collection of five diverse Cinderella stories from our Shen’s Books imprint features stories of Cinderella from several different cultural perspectives. Cinderella has been told for centuries across many distant lands and cultures from around the world. Readers will discover a range of settings, cultures, traditions, and characters as they explore Cinderella tales from Southeast Asia, India, and Mexico.

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Five Picture Books to Celebrate Women’s Equality Day

Today is Women’s Equality Day and we’d like to thank the women of the past, present, and future for their contributions to women’s rights and gender equality.

Women’s Equality Day was created to commemorate the the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote, but it also highlights women’s continued efforts toward full equality in America.

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