Tag Archives: holocaust remembrance

Holocaust Picture Books: An Annotated List

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day and, as Marcia Vaughan noted in her guest post last week, books guest bloggercan be a good way to introduce young students to a very difficult topic. Today, with permission, we’re cross-posting educator Keith Schoch’s excellent annotated list of recommended picture books about the Holocaust, originally posted on March 3, 2013 at Teach With Picture Books:

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Picture books included in the above annotated book list:

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Introducing the Holocaust to Children Through Books

guest bloggerHolocaust Remembrance Day is next Monday, so we’ve asked Marcia Vaughan, author of Irena’s Jars of Secrets, to share her thoughts on talking to children about the Holocaust:

I first learned of Irena Sendler while watching the Today Show one morning several years ago. I was amazed by how many children she and her network of co-conspirators rescued  from the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII. I knew young readers would be also be amazed at the ingenious ways the children were smuggled to safety.

As a child I only knew one person, my father’s good friend, Earl Mamlock,  who spent time in a

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